Remember how, in addition to becoming an airplane mechanic, I was also into writing? Remember how I wrote a book? And published it myself? Well, about a year ago, I signed on with Booktrope to republish it, with the plan that I would then publish subsequent works with them. One year and a long search for a book manager later, I’m finally doing the republish. And, I have written about 25% of the next novel. Yay!

For those who are interested, the launch date for the repub is Dec 1. I’m going to have a launch party on Facebook . I have a new cover design, which will be revealed sometime between now and December 1. I have a book manager, who will help me with marketing strategy, which has always been my weak point.

Many of the people who have read my book have really loved it (except for some who were clutched their pearls over my copious use of the f-bomb). This makes me think that with the right marketing strategy I could sell a reasonable number of copies and maybe actually turn a modest profit. It’s worth a try, anyway. And, once I get the republish of Raising John off the ground, I can turn my creative attention to my work on the sequel.

I’m really glad I made the career change to aviation. Despite some moments of doubt and pain (and rainy, rainy nights on the tarmac), it’s the most fun I have ever had at work. But man oh man, it’s a hard road … I don’t have as much time for writing as I thought I would – between the continuing training, the disrupted and unusual work schedule and the dedication of brainspace to keeping track of the intricacies of federally mandated documentation requirements, I have little left over at the end of the day to put towards creative pursuits. That said,Β I don’t want to let that dream die … so, here I am, not letting it die.

If you can spare the time on Dec 1, between 2 PM and 6 PM PST, please stop by. And, please let your friends know.

Now, back to airplanes …

Posted by lesherjennifer


  1. HOORAY! You’re living the dream πŸ™‚

    Also, I’ll be honored to attend TWO book launch parties for Raising John πŸ™‚ (P.S. Still one of only a handful of books I was compelled to finish in one sitting AND made me cry!)



    1. Thank you! For liking my book and being such a great cheerleader!

      On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Jennifer Lesher wrote:




  2. I look forward to more of your books πŸ™‚ Muriel



    1. Thank you!

      On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Jennifer Lesher wrote:




  3. You’re amazing! Love the updates and wish I could be at Launch Party, The Sequel!



    1. Aw, thank you! As for the launch party, it’s on Facebook! It’s virtual – would be great if you could stop by, but of course no pressure πŸ™‚

      On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 7:49 PM, Jennifer Lesher wrote:




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